times of day

and times of days


face of square

 , forehead ream 



 , in time of das

das ding appended

das ding

 , approximate rounding

 object worlded  

hung to the end of the world

 n, hooked


approximately appending

 , the rounded world

monkeys and elephants

 , shipBuilding noah's ark

flèches and arrows

chair and flesh

sustaining the arches' perception

 , columns and rows of flat data

inserting an object into the world

 , birthing and worlding



 , association

 asterix and obelix and idéfix



 , travel movement

 abroad and foreign

always elsewhere

appended and objectworlded

 , the flat boundaries of perception

 square and round and random

  , a thousand connotations


approximately appending the rounded world


times of day
and times of days

face of square
 , forehead ream 



 , in time of das

das ding appended

das ding
 , approximate rounding

 object worlded  

hung to the end of the world
 n, hooked


approximately appending
 , the rounded world

monkeys and elephants
 , shipBuilding noah's ark

flèches and arrows
chair and flesh

sustaining the arches' perception
 , columns and rows of flat data

inserting an object into the world
 , birthing and worlding

 , association
 asterix and obelix and idéfix

 , travel movement
 abroad and foreign

always elsewhere

appended and objectworlded

 , the flat boundaries of perception

 square and round and random

  , a thousand connotations


times of day

and times of days


face of square

 , forehead ream 



 , in time of das

das ding appended

das ding

 , approximate rounding

 object worlded  

hung to the end of the world

 n, hooked


approximately appending

 , the rounded world

monkeys and elephants

 , shipBuilding noah's ark

flèches and arrows

chair and flesh

sustaining the arches' perception

 , columns and rows of flat data

inserting an object into the world

 , birthing and worlding



 , association

 asterix and obelix and idéfix



 , travel movement

 abroad and foreign

always elsewhere

appended and objectworlded

 , the flat boundaries of perception

 square and round and random

  , a thousand connotations
